Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées
ARIMA Journal is a result of scientific cooperation between Africa and northen countries that has taken place since the earlies 1990's in the framework of CARI (the African Conference for the Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics). It is a channel for disseminating the results of this cooperation. The scientific area of the Journal includes all research topics in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. Particular encouragement is directed to results coming from collaboration between Africa and Northern countries or results that were entirely obtained in Africa.
Each year there is systematically: at least one volume for articles submitted by ordinary procedure and at least one special volume corresponding to the proceedings of a conference (alternatively the CARI Conference and the CEO Conference (Conference for the Research in Computer Science)). Moreover, some years there may be a second special issue dedicated to a specific scientific event.
It is a publication of the African Society for Digital Sciences, a scholarly society that brings together the community of African and diaspora researchers in computer science and applied mathematics as well as their partners in research organizations in the North (Inria, IRD, Cirad, INRAE ...).
Keywords (Computer Science): Computer systems; Languages, software and information systems; Formal methods; Artificial intelligence; Cryptography and Cyber security; Data Science; Real-world Interactions; Applications
Keywords (Applied mathematics): Ordinary Differential Equations; Partial differential equations; Dynamical systems and ergodic theory; Approximations and expansions; Integral equations; Calculus of variations and optimal control; Optimization; Probability theory and stochastic processes; Statistics; Numerical analysis; Applications.
Since 2020, the acceptance rate is 53%.
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