Open AccessARIMA Journal is an overlay publication hosted by Episcience plateform ( It leans on HAL open archive. According to the overlay publication model accepted articles are stored on Hal Archive which guarantees that they are freely available for readers. They are also available on Hal Archive, prior to their acceptance, in the form of preprints. Authors are encouraged to follow the Principles of reproducible science by sharing all relevant information with the community for the purpose of verification, replication and subsequent use of their results. They are also urged to respect the principles of ethical publication (COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics ARIMA Journal follows the Diamond Open Access which guarantees that the articles are freely available to the public without cost to authors and readers under Creative Common CC-BY license. ARIMA Journal has declared its Open Access policy in Sherpa Romeo. The articles are distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License: users are free to copy, distribute, transmit. Authors grant the journal non exclusive publication rights and retain their own rights without restriction.
Peer reviewARIMA Journal is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, committed to publication of high quality and original scientific content in the broad area of applied mathematics and computer science. Articles accepted for publication must describe novel research results and are strictly selected on the basis of scientific merits as ascertained by an open peer-review process. ARIMA Journal also publishes special issues dedicated to scientific events (conferences or workshops) taking place in Africa or related to the continent. Such an issue contains, after selection, the extended versions of some of the papers presented at the event. A special issue may also be devoted to some specific topic without being tied to a scientific event. Special issues are edited under the responsability of an ad-hoc editorial team in collaboration with the Editorial board of the journal.
Anti-Plagiarism PolicyDocuments uploaded in Open Repositories are time-stamped, which guarantees the paternity rights of the research work, protects them from plagiarism or is a defence against potential patent applications by thord parties.