Authors instructions
The submission procedure, which requires a prior deposit of the paper on the platform HAL, is as it follows:
- Deposit your article on the platform HAL: which requires creating an account (login and password) on the CCSD Central Authentication Service (CAS), unless you already have one.
- Take care to fill all fields (title, abstract, keywords) in both French and English as our journal is bilingual. Warning: You must use the type "pre-print" when depositing HAL and not the type "article". Clearly specify the authors' affiliations and in order to facilitate the validation of the deposit (especially for first-time depositors) add the mention "submission to Episciences".
- You get a identifier for your deposit of the form hal-0000000.
- Go to the website of ARIMA journal : and log in using your account CCSD (right bar button "CCSD" at the top of the page).
- Once connected to the journal website with your CCSD login & password some additional links appear. One such link allows you to access your "dashboard" where you can find information about your submissions or papers you have to read. Another link allows you to submit a new article. By clicking on it you can submit your paper by giving its identifier on HAL plateform. You will have to specify the corresponding volume that is either the current issue or a special issue. One can submit to a special issue only by using an access code that was sent with the invitation to contribute.
- In order to submit a revised version of a submitted paper you will need first to update your file on the HAL platform and then to notify the change by following the instructions given in the message that invited you to produce this new version. Warning: do not create a new deposit on HAL platform for a revised version.
BEWARE: It may takes some time between the deposit of your paper on platform HAL and its accessibility because your deposit needs to be validated by moderators. Be careful to check that your paper is indeed accessible on HAL platform before submitted it to ARIMA Journal.
Download Latex template for preprint
This template must be used to produce the preprint that you deposit on HAL platform for submission to ARIMA Journal.
Download Latex template for final version
This template should be used only when your paper has been accepted for publication in ARIMA Journal. You will use the information transmitted by the Editorial Board (volume, year, pagination, Editors, DOI …) in order to produce the final version. Note that the shape of this template is identical to the shape of the preprint which should save you any additional layout work. When this final version will have been accepted you will receive a message asking you to update your HAL repository with this final version and to modify the metadata of your HAL deposit (go from "preprint" to "article published in a newspaper" and add the bibliographical information: volume, year, pagination, Publishers, DOI ...). As soon as this update is validated by HAL, you will use the link contained in this message to inform the journal of the update of your deposit. Your article will then be published on the site of ARIMA Journal.