Hanane Naciri ; Laurence Rideau - Interactive layout and handling of mathematical formulas in structured documents

arima:1832 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, September 5, 2002, Volume 1, 2002 - https://doi.org/10.46298/arima.1832
Interactive layout and handling of mathematical formulas in structured documentsArticle

Authors: Hanane Naciri 1; Laurence Rideau 1

  • 1 Software and mathematics

Tools dedicated to mathematics need to display formulas and to interact with them. In this paper, we present a summary of existing tools, then we describe FIGUE, an incremental two dimensional layout engine, developed at INRIA, to get a specialized toolbox for building customized editors and graphical user interfaces. Finally we give an exemple of interface using FIGUE to develop mathematical proofs on computer.

Volume: Volume 1, 2002
Published on: September 5, 2002
Submitted on: March 4, 2002
Keywords: Mathematical formulas, formatting tools, MathML, structure edition, electronic document, man-machine interface.,outils de formatage,MathML,édition structurée,formules mathématiques,document numérique,interaction homme machine.,[INFO] Computer Science [cs],[MATH] Mathematics [math]

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