Abdellatif El-Badia ; Maha Farah ; Tuong Ha-Duong ; Vincent Pavan
Résolution d'un Problème de Cauchy en EEG
arima:1858 -
Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées,
September 28, 2006,
Volume 5, Special Issue TAM TAM'05, november 2006
Résolution d'un Problème de Cauchy en EEGArticle
Authors: Abdellatif El-Badia 1; Maha Farah 1; Tuong Ha-Duong 1; Vincent Pavan 2
1 Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées de Compiègne
2 Laboratoire d'Electromécanique de Compiègne
This paper talks about the resolution of the Cauchy problem thats appears in the localization of epileptic sources on Electro-Encephalo-Graphy (EEG). We treat specially the problem of estimating Cauchy data over the layer of the brain, knowing only the ones on the scalp measured by EEG. As a method of resolution, we choose an alternating iteratif algorithm rst proposed by Kozlov, Mazjya and Fomin. In this paper, we study numerically this method in three dimensions. We give also some numerical examples.