Sonia Ouni ; Ezzeddine Zagrouba ; Majeb Chambah ; Michel Herbin - Vers une métrique de description objective d'une sensation subjective

arima:1921 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, September 21, 2009, Volume 11, 2009 - Special Issue CARI 2008 -
Vers une métrique de description objective d'une sensation subjectiveArticle

Authors: Sonia Ouni 1,2; Ezzeddine Zagrouba ORCID3; Majeb Chambah ORCID4; Michel Herbin ORCID4

In the last decade, several image and video quality metrics have been proposed, which incorporate perceptual quality measures by considering the HVS characteristics. All this metrics do the differences pixel to pixel in image. Therefore a local fidelity of the colour is defined. However, the human visual system is rather sensitive to a global quality. In this paper, we propose a new objective full reference quality metric for colour images called Global Delta E and noted: ~ G DE . This metric is based on human visual system properties in order to obtain the best correspondence with judgments. Some experimentations and assessments prove the performance of our metrics and that interrelationship with the SVH.

Volume: Volume 11, 2009 - Special Issue CARI 2008
Published on: September 21, 2009
Submitted on: March 2, 2009
Keywords: Human Visual System, colour difference, Quality, Global Delta E,système visuel Humain,différence couleur,qualité,Delta E globale,[INFO] Computer Science [cs],[MATH] Mathematics [math]

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