Mohamed Khazri ; Mohamed Tmar ; Mohamed Abid ; Mohand Boughanem - Proposition pour l’intégration des réseaux petits mondes en recherche d’information

arima:1925 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, September 9, 2009, Volume 11, 2009 - Special Issue CARI 2008 -
Proposition pour l’intégration des réseaux petits mondes en recherche d’informationArticle

Authors: Mohamed Khazri 1; Mohamed Tmar 2; Mohamed Abid ORCID1; Mohand Boughanem ORCID3,4

We propose in this paper an approach for document clustering. It consists of representing the corpus as a document graph, where the links are defined by some criteria. These links are quantified by simialrity measures. We aim join this context into the approach of classification to constitute small-worlds networks of homogeneous documents. The homogeneity of the clusters is measured according to the properties of small worlds. The clusters, as well as their proprietes, allow to rerank search results. Some experiments were done on a corpus provided by TREC and the obtained results show the contribution of small-worlds networks in information retrieval.

Volume: Volume 11, 2009 - Special Issue CARI 2008
Published on: September 9, 2009
Submitted on: March 1, 2009
Keywords: Information retrieval,clustering,small-worlds networks,re-ranking,Recherche d’information, clusterisation, réseaux petits mondes, ré-ordonnancement,[INFO] Computer Science [cs],[MATH] Mathematics [math]

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