Ismail Assayad - Ordonnancement de tâches hiérarchiques interdépendantes sous des exigences temporelles et objectif d’efficacité

arima:1926 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, August 12, 2009, Volume 11, 2009 - Special Issue CARI 2008 -
Ordonnancement de tâches hiérarchiques interdépendantes sous des exigences temporelles et objectif d’efficacitéArticle

Authors: Ismail Assayad 1

  • 1 Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Electricité et de Mécanique [Casablanca]

The introduction of high-performance applications such as multimedia applications into embedded systems led the manufacturers to offer embedded platforms able to offer an important computing power which makes it possible to answer the increasing requirements of future evolutions of these applications. One of the adopted solutions is the use of multiprocessor platforms. In this paper we propose an exploratory methodology of scheduling software modelled in the form of hierarchical, collaborative and interdependent hierarchical tasks with local deadlines. Scheduling answers (1) the local temporal requirements of tasks, and allows (2) an effective exploitation of multiprocessor platforms

Volume: Volume 11, 2009 - Special Issue CARI 2008
Published on: August 12, 2009
Submitted on: February 2, 2009
Keywords: Real-time scheduling, Parallelism, Exploration,Mutliprocessor embedded systems,Systèmes embarqués multiprocesseurs,Exploration,Parallélisme,Ordonnancement temps-réel,[INFO] Computer Science [cs],[MATH] Mathematics [math]

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