Khalid El Yassini ; Rabie Zine ; Mustapha Raïssouli - Outils d’aide à la décision pour la planification des réseaux de distribution de l’énergie électrique

arima:1940 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, August 10, 2010, Volume 13 - 2010 - Special issue TAMTAM'09 -
Outils d’aide à la décision pour la planification des réseaux de distribution de l’énergie électriqueArticle

Authors: Khalid El Yassini 1; Rabie Zine ORCID1; Mustapha Raïssouli 1

  • 1 Département Mathématiques et Informatique

The continued growth in demand for electricity is a increasingly challenge for the company. This requires great efforts to optimize decisions to be taken especially for managing the distribution of electricity which poses many problems in society, primarily due to the expansion of the network, increased consumption Power and real-time management. As the strengthening of electrical networks is difficult and expensive at the same time, it is necessary to choose an optimal management to ensure customer satisfaction, reduce costs and increase profit margins. In this work, we propose a few different optimization methods to solve partially or globally this problem, allowing to make appropriate choices.

Volume: Volume 13 - 2010 - Special issue TAMTAM'09
Published on: August 10, 2010
Submitted on: January 13, 2010
Keywords: distribution network, electricity, heuristics, Tabu search, simulated annealing, variable neighborhood search,réseau de distribution,énergie électrique,heuristique,recherche Tabou,recuit simulé,recherche à voisinage variable,[INFO] Computer Science [cs],[MATH] Mathematics [math]

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