Ilham Oumaira ; Rochdi Messoussi ; Raja TOUAHNI
Instrumentation des activités des tuteurs à l’aide d’un système multi-agents d’analyse automatique des interactions
arima:1947 -
Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées,
August 19, 2011,
Volume 14 - 2011 - Special issue CARI'10
Instrumentation des activités des tuteurs à l’aide d’un système multi-agents d’analyse automatique des interactionsArticle
Authors: Ilham Oumaira 1; Rochdi Messoussi 1; Raja TOUAHNI
Ilham Oumaira;Rochdi Messoussi;Raja TOUAHNI
1 Laboratoire Systèmes de Télécommunications et Ingénierie de la Décision
Research presented in this article is dedicated to the tutor instrumentation in distance collaborative learning situations. We are particularly interested in the reuse of interaction analysis indicators. In this paper, we present our system SYSAT; a multi-agent system for monitoring the activities of learners. The aim of SYSAT is to reuse indicators (social, cognitive, emotional ...) reported in the literature, in an open and adaptive system. We tested our system on the interaction data from two experiments conducted with two master students of the Ibn Tofail University. The article presents the results and discusses the prospects for Research.