Mandicou Ba ; Olivier Flauzac ; Bachar Salim Haggar ; Rafik MAKHLOUFI ; Florent Nolot et al. - Vers une structuration auto-stabilisante des réseaux Ad Hoc

arima:1970 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, August 4, 2014, Volume 17 - 2014 - Special issue CARI'12 -
Vers une structuration auto-stabilisante des réseaux Ad HocArticle

Authors: Mandicou Ba 1; Olivier Flauzac ORCID1; Bachar Salim Haggar 1; Rafik MAKHLOUFI ; Florent Nolot ORCID1; Ibrahima Niang 2

In this paper, we present a self-stabilizing asynchronous distributed clustering algorithm that builds non-overlapping k-hops clusters. Our approach does not require any initialization. It is based only on information from neighboring nodes with periodic messages exchange. Starting from an arbitrary configuration, the network converges to a stable state after a finite number of steps. Firstly, we prove that the stabilization is reached after at most n+2 transitions and requires (u+1)* log(2n+k+3) bits per node, whereΔu represents node's degree, n is the number of network nodes and k represents the maximum hops number. Secondly, using OMNet++ simulator, we performed an evaluation of our proposed algorithm.

Volume: Volume 17 - 2014 - Special issue CARI'12
Published on: August 4, 2014
Submitted on: January 26, 2014
Keywords: Ad hoc networks, clustering, distributed algorithms, self-stabilizing, OMNeT++.,réseaux Ad Hoc,clustering,algorithmes distribués,auto-stabilisation,OMNeT++,[INFO] Computer Science [cs],[MATH] Mathematics [math]

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