Ndiouma Bame ; Hubert Naacke ; Idrissa Sarr ; Samba Ndiaye - Algorithmes de traitement de requêtes de biodiversité dans un environnement distribué

arima:1976 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, 16 septembre 2014, Volume 18, 2014 - https://doi.org/10.46298/arima.1976
Algorithmes de traitement de requêtes de biodiversité dans un environnement distribuéArticle

Auteurs : Ndiouma Bame 1,2; Hubert Naacke ORCID1; Idrissa Sarr 2; Samba Ndiaye 2

  • 1 Bases de Données
  • 2 département Mathématiques Informatique

The GBIF portal contains a description of most of the global biodiversity data. It faces two problems, namely the data availability and a poor expressiveness of queries, mainly due to a growing number of users which keep expressing new needs. To tackle these problems, we envision a scalable and relatively low cost solution. With this in mind, we propose a non-invasive and decentralized architecture for processing GBIF queries over a cloud infrastructure. We define a dynamic strategy for data distribution and queries processing algorithms that fit the GBIF requirements. We demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of our solution by a prototype implementation which allows for processing extra query types, up to now unsupported by the GBIF portal.

Volume : Volume 18, 2014
Publié le : 16 septembre 2014
Soumis le : 22 février 2014
Mots-clés : Big data, data replication and distribution, cloud computing, query processing, GBIF,[INFO] Computer Science [cs],[MATH] Mathematics [math]

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