Stéphane Aimé Metchebon Takougang ; Joseph Wethe - A model for assessing sustainability

arima:2003 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, October 5, 2016, Volume 22 - 2016-2018 -
A model for assessing sustainabilityArticle

Authors: Stéphane Aimé Metchebon Takougang 1; Joseph Wethe 2

  • 1 Institut supérieur d'informatique et de gestion
  • 2 Pan-African Intergovernmental Agency for Water and Sanitation for Africa

This work presents a web-based tool for predicting and evaluating sustainability with a case study in the framework of water delivery service project (WDSP). A decision support model is built, based on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and afterward implemented in Java EE platform for predicting and evaluating on-line the sustainability of WDSPs. An additive value function based assignment model is used to sort a WDSP to one of the ordered categories corresponding to various level of sustainability. The model allows to aggregate socioeconomic, technical, technological and environmental aspects in term of their impact on the sustainability. Knowing the sustainability level of a WDSP can serve as a basis for undertaking an intervention.

Volume: Volume 22 - 2016-2018
Published on: October 5, 2016
Submitted on: March 31, 2016
Keywords: multicriteria decision aid,category assignment,additive value function based assignment model,Java EE platform,on-line sustainability assessment,water service delivery project,aide multicritère à la décision,catégories d'affectation,modèle de tri basé sur une fonction de valeur additive,plateforme Java EE,évaluation en ligne de la durabilité,projet de service d'approvisionnement en eau,[MATH] Mathematics [math],[INFO] Computer Science [cs]

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