Yaya TRAORE ; Cheikh Talibouya DIOP ; Sadouanouan MALO ; Moussa Lo ; Stanislas Ouaro
Discovering frequent patterns guided by an ontology
arima:2558 -
Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées,
December 7, 2016,
Volume 25 - 2016 - Special issue CNRIA 2015
Discovering frequent patterns guided by an ontologyArticle
Authors: Yaya TRAORE ; Cheikh Talibouya DIOP ; Sadouanouan MALO ; Moussa Lo 1; Stanislas Ouaro 2,3
The frequent pattern mining generates a huge amount of patterns and therefore requires the establishment of an effective post-treatment to target the most useful. This paper proposes an approach to discover the useful frequent patterns that integrates knowledge described by the expert and represented in an ontology associated with the data. The approach uses the ontology for benefit from more structured information to remove some frequent patterns of the analysis. The experiments realized with our approach give satisfactory results.