Vianney Kengne Tchendji ; Blaise Paho Nana - Management of Low-density Sensor-Actuator Network in a Virtual Architecture

arima:3110 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, March 12, 2018, Volume 27 - 2017 - Special issue CARI 2016 -
Management of Low-density Sensor-Actuator Network in a Virtual ArchitectureArticle

Authors: Vianney Kengne Tchendji ORCID1; Blaise Paho Nana 1

  • 1 Faculté des Sciences - Université de Dschang [Cameroun]

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) face many implementation’s problems such as connectivity, security, energy saving, fault tolerance, interference, collision, routing problems, etc. In this paper, we consider a low-density WSN where the distribution of the sensors is poor, and the virtual architecture introduced by Wadaa and al which provides a powerful and fast partitioning of the network into a set of clusters. In order to effectively route the information collected by each sensor node to the base station (sink node, located at the center of the network), we propose a technique based on multiple communication frequencies in order to avoid interferences during the communications. Secondly, we propose an empty clusters detection algorithm, allowing to know the area actually covered by the sensors after the deployment, and therefore, giving the possibility to react accordingly. Finally, we also propose a strategy to allow mobile sensors (actuators) to move in order to: save the WSN’s connectivity, improve the routing of collected data, save the sensors’ energy, improve the coverage of the area of interest, etc.

Volume: Volume 27 - 2017 - Special issue CARI 2016
Published on: March 12, 2018
Accepted on: February 3, 2018
Submitted on: July 18, 2017
Keywords: virtual architecture, moving actuators,Wireless sensor network, empty cluster, collisions avoidance, connectivity, routing,Réseau de capteurs sans fil, architecture virtuelle, déplacement des actuators, cluster vide, évitement de collisions, connectivité, routage, [ SHS.INFO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences

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