This paper presents the application of a Multi-Level Agent Based Model technology through a Natural Model based Design in Context (NMDC) to describe and model a class of environ-mental problems. NMDC allow training domain expert to design a conceptual model for a concrete environmental problem. This model describes the underlying application domain in terms of environmental concepts and neither requires specific technical skills nor involves implementation details. We show how the associated TiC (Tool-in-Context) develop through NMDC can help the domain expert to describe in semi-natural (specific) language the environmental problem. This description is the basis for TiC to generate a simulation tool. On the base of this, we transform the specific language to NetLogo agent based code, thereby facilitating an early prototype application to be used by the domain expert. Finally, we applied this approach to explain and analyze the process of deforestation around the Laf Forest Reserve and discuss the prototype resulting from our approach.