F.Z. Nouri ; K. Amoura - An Algorithm for the Navier-Stokes Problem

arima:1869 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, October 6, 2006, Volume 5, Special Issue TAM TAM'05, november 2006 - https://doi.org/10.46298/arima.1869
An Algorithm for the Navier-Stokes ProblemArticle

Authors: F.Z. Nouri 1; K. Amoura 1

  • 1 Département de mathématiques

This study is a continuation of the one done in [7],[8] and [9] which are based on the work, first derived by Glowinski et al. in [3] and [4] and also Bernardi et al. [1] and [2]. Here, we propose an Algorithm to solve a nonlinear problem rising from fluid mechanics. In [7], we have studied Stokes problem by adapting Glowinski technique. This technique is userful as it decouples the pressure from the velocity during the resolution of the Stokes problem. In this paper, we extend our study to show that this technique can be used in solving a nonlinear problem such as the Navier Stokes equations. Numerical experiments confirm the interest of this discretisation.

Volume: Volume 5, Special Issue TAM TAM'05, november 2006
Published on: October 6, 2006
Submitted on: March 8, 2006
Keywords: Numerical Algorithms, Spectral Approximations, Stokes and Navier Stokes Problems.,Algorithmes Numériques,Approximations Spectrales,Problèmes de Stokes et Navier-Stokes,[MATH] Mathematics [math],[INFO] Computer Science [cs]

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