Aboudramane Guiro ; Abderrahman Iggidr ; Diène Ngom
Interval numerical observer: Application to a discrete time nonlinear fish model
arima:1923 -
Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées,
August 11, 2008,
Volume 11, 2009 - Special Issue CARI 2008
Interval numerical observer: Application to a discrete time nonlinear fish modelArticle
1 Tools and models of nonlinear control theory for epidemiology and immunology
2 Laboratoire d'Analyse Mathématique des Equations
3 Laboratoire d'Analyse Numérique et Informatique [Sénégal]
The aim of this work is to reconstitute the state of a discrete-time nonlinear system representing a dynamical model of a harvested fish population. For this end, we are going to use a numerical method of building an interval observer for the consider discrete-time model fish population. We adapt to this model an algorithm called "Interval Moving Horizon State Estimation" (IMHSE) which gives an estimated interval of the system states. This algorithm is carried out in [8] and work well for a general class of discrete-time systems.