R. Abounacer ; J. Boukachour ; B. Dkhissi ; A. El Hilali Alaoui - A hybrid Ant Colony Algorithm for the exam timetabling problem

arima:1930 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, October 4, 2010, Volume 12, 2010 - https://doi.org/10.46298/arima.1930
A hybrid Ant Colony Algorithm for the exam timetabling problemArticle

Authors: R. Abounacer 1,2; J. Boukachour 1; B. Dkhissi 2; A. El Hilali Alaoui 2

  • 1 Centre d'Etude et de Recherche en économiE et gestioN LogistiquE
  • 2 Laboratory of Modeling and Scientific Computing

Due to increased student numbers and regulation changes educational institutions that allow for greater flexibility, operations researchers and computer scientists have renewed their interest in developing effective methods to resolve the examination timetabling problem. Thus, in the intervening decades, important progress was made in the examination timetabling problem with appearance of adaptation of meta-heuristics. This paper presents a hybridization of the Ant Colony Algorithm and a Complete Local search with Memory heuristic, in order to maximize as much as possible; the free time between consecutive exams for each student, while respecting the conflict constraints, a student cannot sit more than one exam in the same timeslot.

Volume: Volume 12, 2010
Published on: October 4, 2010
Submitted on: March 10, 2010
Keywords: exam timetabling problem, ant colony algorithm, complete local search with memory,problème de planification horaire des examens,algorithme de colonie de fourmis,recherche locale complète avec mémoire,[INFO] Computer Science [cs],[MATH] Mathematics [math]

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