Philippe Destuynder ; Mohamed Jaoua ; Hela Sellami - An error estimate in image processing

arima:1958 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, 29 septembre 2012, Volume 15, 2012 -
An error estimate in image processingArticle

Auteurs : Philippe Destuynder 1; Mohamed Jaoua 2,3; Hela Sellami 4

A new interpolation error estimate for a finite element method for image processing is proved in this paper. The suggested scheme is based on the Raviart-Thomas one, extended to a non linear formulation. The numerical trials run confirm the accuracy of the restoration algorithm.

Volume : Volume 15, 2012
Publié le : 29 septembre 2012
Soumis le : 8 mars 2012
Mots-clés : Finite element method, interpolation, image processing, functional space BV,[INFO] Computer Science [cs],[MATH] Mathematics [math]

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