Amel Ben Abda ; Faten Khayat
Reconstruction of missing boundary conditions from partially overspecified data : the Stokes system
arima:1494 -
Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées,
December 13, 2016,
Volume 23 - 2016 - Special issue for LEM2I 2016
Reconstruction of missing boundary conditions from partially overspecified data : the Stokes systemArticle
Authors: Amel Ben Abda 1; Faten Khayat 1
Amel Ben Abda;Faten Khayat
1 Laboratoire de Modélisation Mathématique et Numérique dans les Sciences de l'Ingénieur [Tunis]
We are interested in this paper with the ill-posed Cauchy-Stokes problem. We consider a data completion problem in which we aim recovering lacking data on some part of a domain boundary , from the knowledge of partially overspecified data on the other part. The inverse problem is formulated as an optimization one using an energy-like misfit functional. We give the first order opti-mality condition in terms of an interfacial operator. Displayed numerical results highlight its accuracy.
Volume: Volume 23 - 2016 - Special issue for LEM2I 2016
Published on: December 13, 2016
Accepted on: December 7, 2016
Submitted on: December 8, 2016
Keywords: Conditions aux limites défectueuses, Problème de Cauchy-Stokes, Complétion de données, Contrainte de cisaillement, Coefficient de Robin, Stent cérébral,[MATH] Mathematics [math],[SPI] Engineering Sciences [physics]