Fayssal Charif ; Mohamed Helal ; Abdelkader Lakmeche - Chemotherapy models

arima:1493 - Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, December 27, 2016, Volume 23 - 2016 - Special issue for LEM2I 2016 - https://doi.org/10.46298/arima.1493
Chemotherapy modelsArticle

Authors: Fayssal Charif ; Mohamed Helal ; Abdelkader Lakmeche

    A chemotherapeutic treatment model for cell population with resistant tumor is considered. We consider the case of two drugs one with pulsed effect and the other one with continuous effect. We investigate stability of the trivial periodic solutions and the onset of nontrivial periodic solutions by the mean of Lyapunov-Schmidt bifurcation.

    Volume: Volume 23 - 2016 - Special issue for LEM2I 2016
    Published on: December 27, 2016
    Accepted on: December 20, 2016
    Submitted on: December 27, 2016
    Keywords: Periodic solutions,Exponential stability,Lyapunov-Schmidt bifurcation,Chemotherapy model,Impulsive differential equations, Modèle de chimiothérapie,Stabilité exponentielle,Equations différentielles impulsifs,Solutions périodiques,Bifurcation de Lyapunov-Schmidt ,[MATH.MATH-DS] Mathematics [math]/Dynamical Systems [math.DS]

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