Barbouche Refka
FE approximation for an hybrid Naghdi equations for shells with G 1 -midsurface
arima:4668 -
Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées,
October 11, 2018,
Volume 22 - 2016-2018
FE approximation for an hybrid Naghdi equations for shells with G 1 -midsurfaceArticle
Authors: Barbouche Refka 1
Barbouche Refka
1 Laboratoire de Modélisation Mathématique et Numérique dans les Sciences de l'Ingénieur [Tunis]
The purpose of this present work is to consider an hybrid formulation of Naghdi’s shell with G1-midsurface of the model already introduced by H. Le Dret in [1] and prove its well-posedness. Here, the displacement and the rotation of the normal to the midsurface are respectively given in Cartesian and local covariant or contravariant basis. This new version enables us, in particular, to approximate by conforming finite elements the solution with less degrees of freedom. Numerical tests are given to illustrate the efficiency of our approach.