Volume 40 - 2024

1. Étude comparative d'algorithmes d'apprentissage artificiel pour la reconnaissance faciale

Atsu Alagah Komlavi ; Kadri Chaibou ; Harouna Naroua.
Background: The fundamental need for authentication and identification of humans using their physiological, behavioral or biological characteristics, continues to be applied extensively to secure localities, property, financial transactions, etc. Biometric systems based on face characteristics, continue to attract the attention of researchers, major public and private services. In the literature, many methods have been deployed by different authors. The best performance must be found in order to be able to recommend the most effective method. So, the main objective of thisarticle is to make a comparative study of different existing techniques.Methods: A biometric system is generally composed of four stages: acquisition of facial images, preprocessing, extraction of characteristics and finally classification. In this work, the focus is on machine learning algorithms for classification. These algorithms are: Support Vector Machines (SVM), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Random Forests (RF), Logistic Regression (LR), Naive Bayesian Classification (NB: Naive Bayes’ Classifiers) and deep learning techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). The comparison criterion is the average performance, calculated using three performance measures: recognition rate, confusion matrix, and the Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve.Results: Based on this criterion, the performance comparison of selected machine learning algorithms, […]

2. Extraction des règles d’association basée sur la mesure classique d’intensité d’implication: application en didactique des mathématiques

Fidy Heritiana Andrianarivony ; Anne Cortella ; Jean-Jacques Salone ; Viviane Durand-Guerrier ; Angelo Raherinirina.
This article proposes a method for extracting knowledge in association rules using the classical measure of implication intensity. We then applied our method to data from mathematics didactics studies. The aim of the didactic study was to identify the relationships between students' difficulties and skills when demonstrating a mathematical proposition formulated in French. The results of our study show that our methodology is effective in extracting interesting rules. In addition, the results of our didactic analysis showed the dependency between understanding a mathematical statement in French, competence in translating it formally and proving it.

3. Résolution du Pigment Sequencing Problem avec les algorithmes génétiques

Vinasetan Houndji ; Tafsir Gna.
Lot sizing is important in production planning. It consists of determining a production plan that meets the orders and other constraints while minimizing the production cost. Here, we consider a Discrete Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem (DLSP), specifically the Pigment Sequencing Problem (PSP). We have developed a solution that uses Genetic Algorithms to tackle the PSP. Our approach introduces adaptive techniques for each step of the genetic algorithm, including initialization, selection, crossover, and mutation. We conducted a series of experiments to assess the performance of our approach across some multiple trials using publicly available instances of the PSP. Our experimental results demonstrate that Genetic Algorithms are practical and effective approaches for solving DLSP.

4. Une évaluation expérimentale de choix des paramètres de prévisions SSA

Teodor Knapik ; Adolphe Ratiarison ; Hasina Razafindralambo.
Six time series related to atmospheric phenomena are used as inputs for experiments offorecasting with singular spectrum analysis (SSA). Existing methods for SSA parametersselection are compared throughout their forecasting accuracy relatively to an optimal aposteriori selection and to a naive forecasting methods. The comparison shows that awidespread practice of selecting longer windows leads often to poorer predictions. It alsoconfirms that the choices of the window length and of the grouping are essential. Withthe mean error of rainfall forecasting below 1.5%, SSA appears as a viable alternative forhorizons beyond two weeks.